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Showing posts from January, 2023

Python Tutorial: Simulate the Powerball Lottery Using Python.

In this Python Programming video, we will be learning how to simulate the Powerball lottery using Python. I have seen several lottery simulations online, but not many of them go in-depth to calculate all of the possible combinations. Here, we will create a simulation that goes through every win condition and simulates the lottery in the way it is played in a real-life situation. Let's get started ...

20 Google Sheets Formulas You Must Know!

With more and more businesses focusing on making decisions by understanding their data, the usage of Google Spreadsheets has increased enormously. Did you get stuck formatting heavy data to make decisions? Wondering what exactly are the Google Sheets formulas you need to implement on this data to make it crisp and understandable? For becoming a pro in the world of google sheets, you really need to know the backbone and the basic formulae before you jump onto advance hacks. If you’re a beginner and struggling with lumps of data, this is the right place to understand the basic functionalities of a Google Spreadsheet. We’ve written down simple and 20 most important and Google Spreadsheet functions to make your life easy! After reading this blog, you’ll be ready to implement these formulae right away! Here are the most useful and must know Google spreadsheets formulas.

Streaming Tweets from Twitter to Database.

Streaming tweets from the Twitter API v1.1 First let's cover streaming tweets from Twitter. You're going to need a Twitter dev account. Sometimes Twitter uses to advertise various things they expect devs to be interested in. The problem is they sometimes make it hard to get to where you want to be. Just in case they've done this and the video's method isn't available, here's the link: Twitter Apps Next, make a new application, filling in your name, description, website, agree to their terms, do the captcha, and create the application.

Working with Excel Spreadsheets in Python.

You all must have worked with Excel at some time in your life and must have felt the need for automating some repetitive or tedious task. Don’t worry in this tutorial we are going to learn about how to work with Excel using Python, or automating Excel using Python. We will be covering this with the help of the Openpyxl module.. read more

How to Paste Links to Source Cells Instead of Values.

You have finished your calculations and now you are about to present your results? Well built Excel models usually separate the calculations from the results. Therefore “Paste Links” might be helpful for you, especially when your colleagues should not mess your data source. This article describes how to paste links to cells instead of values and the next steps for also applying formatting with just a few klicks (or better: key strokes…).