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Showing posts from March, 2007

Dell soon to launch Linux PCs

Dell is getting ready to sell PCs that support Linux, but the manufacturer says it will continue its policy of always providing an operating system. Many users are calling on PC vendors to supply so-called naked PCs — systems without an operating system — so they can install the OS of their choice. read more

Can Computers Think ?

C0B01 writes: To begin with I feel it is imperative to clear up a miss conception of Artificial Intelligence. AI is in fact not about the creation of artificially intelligent machines, it is the field of creating machines that are able to think rationally. Given sensory inputs the artefact is capable of producing a relative .. read more

Learn perl.

What is Perl? Perl is Practical Extraction and Report Language. is used often to create interactive web pages, Perl is full programming language like C# and Java, to learn some of this language i uploaded a book which is free to use under the terms of GNU free documentation license!

Network monitoring with Ntop .

ntop is a network traffic tools that shows network usage in a real time. One of the good things about this tool is that you can use a web browser to manage and navigate through ntop traffic information to better understand network status ... read the whole article from

IPTABLES firewall script.

Well, talking about securing your box is really a serious shit, ive been trying to get a real good iptable script myself, i wrote many but still aint working that real good untill i found this amazing IPtables script Arnos IPtables script is really one of the best scripts i ever used .. enjoy ;-)

Perl version 5.8.8 documentation! contains the core documentation for Perl version 5.8.8, in HTML and PDF. for more doc, try the man pages on your *nix box/ perl Perl overview (this section) perlintro Perl introduction for beginners perltoc Perl documentation table of contents Tutorials perlreftut Perl references short introduction perldsc Perl data structures intro perllol Perl data structures: arrays of arrays perlrequick Perl regular expressions quick start perlretut Perl regular expressions tutorial perlboot Perl OO tutorial for beginners perltoot Perl OO tutorial, part 1 perltooc Perl OO tutorial, part 2 perlbot Perl OO tricks and examples perlstyle Perl style guide perlcheat Perl che...

first shell script.

This is one of my first shell-scripts i wrote myself back in 1999/ echo Enter zouz to list his information echo Otherwise you wont see anything and you will exit this program! echo -n "Please enter option: " read choice if [ "$choice" = zouz ] then finger zouz else exit -1 fi echo bye mate