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Perl version 5.8.8 documentation! contains the core documentation for Perl version 5.8.8, in HTML and PDF. for more doc, try the man pages on your *nix box/

perl Perl overview (this section)
perlintro Perl introduction for beginners
perltoc Perl documentation table of contents


perlreftut Perl references short introduction
perldsc Perl data structures intro
perllol Perl data structures: arrays of arrays

perlrequick Perl regular expressions quick start
perlretut Perl regular expressions tutorial

perlboot Perl OO tutorial for beginners
perltoot Perl OO tutorial, part 1
perltooc Perl OO tutorial, part 2
perlbot Perl OO tricks and examples

perlstyle Perl style guide

perlcheat Perl cheat sheet
perltrap Perl traps for the unwary
perldebtut Perl debugging tutorial

perlfaq Perl frequently asked questions
perlfaq1 General Questions About Perl
perlfaq2 Obtaining and Learning about Perl
perlfaq3 Programming Tools
perlfaq4 Data Manipulation
perlfaq5 Files and Formats
perlfaq6 Regexes
perlfaq7 Perl Language Issues
perlfaq8 System Interaction
perlfaq9 Networking.


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