The GNU libc manual documents the original POSIX specification for signal handling functions. However subsequent POSIX standards expanded this functionality and the enhancements are often referred to as "realtime signals". This implies that these so-called realtime signals have bounded/prioritised delivery times but it is unclear whether this is the case, and in fact a broader range of new functionality is introduced which is independent of real-time qualities.more...
Traditionally, Unix/Linux/POSIX filenames can be almost any sequence of bytes, and their meaning is unassigned. The only real rules are that "/" is always the directory separator, and that filenames can't contain byte 0 (because this is the terminator). Although this is flexible, this creates many unnecessary problems. In particular, this lack of limitations makes it unnecessarily difficult to write correct programs (enabling many security flaws), makes it impossible to consistently and accurately display filenames, causes portability problems, and confuses users. more ....