Nmap is widely known for its famous port mapping capabilities — we love it, and even included it in our best port scanners article a few months ago. Still, it would be quite unfair to reduce Nmap to nothing more than a "network mapper" or "port scanner."
When we analyzed the top vulnerability scanning tools available, Nmap wasn't mentioned among them; it isn't dedicated to those specific tasks but to the entire mapping and reconnaissance process. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't offer some great features when it comes to vulnerability scanning.
Before we jump into the fun stuff, remember you can also take a look into our Nmap Cheat Sheet guide for Nmap vulnerability scanning tips and tricks. read more...
The standard Perl distribution comes with a debugger, although it's really just another Perl program, perl5db.pl. Since it is just a program, I can use it as the basis for writing my own debuggers to suit my needs, or I can use the interface perl5db.pl provides to configure its actions. That's just the beginning, though. read more...