Long ago, UNIX® had a proprietary package called the Writer's Workbench (WWB). Developers, administrators, and technical writers who used to use this package in their work deeply miss it—its powerful capabilities made the UNIX workstation a preferred environment for document editing and proofreading. Today, many new implementations of those tools are available for all UNIX systems, and you can also find open source equivalents of the key WWB tools. Discover these tools and learn how to use them, building a custom style guide checker in the process. more
The standard Perl distribution comes with a debugger, although it's really just another Perl program, perl5db.pl. Since it is just a program, I can use it as the basis for writing my own debuggers to suit my needs, or I can use the interface perl5db.pl provides to configure its actions. That's just the beginning, though. read more...